Month: October 2022

How to handle rejection

This week Pat and I talk about handling rejection is sales, because let’s face it, as a sales rep you will face rejection from prospects many, many times. However, it’s how we handle those rejections professionally and not personally, which can make you more confident in your ability as a sales person and the product you’re selling.

What’s going on in the industry

This week Pat and I talk about what is going on in the industry of consulting, the future of the industry and those who influence the consulting space – for better or for worse.
We also talk about social media platform, and how the coaching space can take advantage of these sites to grow, and how the times are changing from on online media platforms that could be putting you behind the times.

Awarded the $25 Million Award at ClickFunnels 2022

I’m back.
Pat and I chit chat about my time in the US at the Click Funnels Event as part of 7th Level, accepting a $25 million awards, no biggie.
Met some big names, networked, sold and even went to Disney World with the family.
We also talk about sales and coaching techniques with NEPQ, going corporate and things to watch out as a growing company.

Behind the scenes at a sales agency

This week, Pat and James sit down once again to talk about the behind the scenes of a sales agency,, and the inner workings of how to maintain client and sales rep liability, accountability, responsibility and credibility, while still being successful beyond just sales.