Coffee Is For Closers Ep27​

Today, Matt and James talk about the most efficient way to crush objections and close that call in the least amount of time and resistance possible.

Coffee Is For Closers Ep1​

Episode 1 of the podcast about all things Sales, High ticket closing and what happens in the world of running a sales agency that does over 1 million a month in sales

The Objection Handling Matrix: Part 1

Has it ever happened to you where no matter how hard you try to make the prospect look at the problem from a different angle, they just won’t budge at all? Most of us believe that all we need to do to convert a non-believer into a believer would be to force them into a mindset shift.

Has it ever happened to you where no matter how hard you try to make the prospect look at the problem from a different angle, they just won’t budge at all?

Most of us believe that all we need to do to convert a non-believer into a believer would be to force them into a mindset shift. However, are you sure you’re asking your prospects the right question?

Just like how different baits work for different types of fish, different approaches also work for different people. And the key to knowing what approach works for who is identifying the type of objection your prospect is making. And today, Matt and James talk about the most efficient way to crush objections and close that call in the least amount of time and resistance possible.

Stop asking the wrong questions and tune in to this episode!

What We Talked About In This Episode:

  1. The Objection Handling Matrix [01:20]
  2. What is a smokescreen objection? [03:35]
  3. The effect of undergoing proper sales coaching and training [15:54]
  4. Why salespeople handle fear and logistical objections badly [16:50]
  5. The open wallet test [20:05]
  6. What is a logistical objection? [21:18]
  7. How many years does it take for a salesperson to develop empathy? [23:50]
  8. What makes fear-based objections interesting [28:26]
  9. There’s a fine line between fear of success and fear of failure [33:20]
  10. Smokescreen vs logistical vs fear [34:42]

About Our Hosts:

Matt and James are from Sales Sniper, a sales consulting agency dedicated to helping companies increase close rates, build sales systems, and conduct sales training. They generate millions in sales for their clients every month and easily gets the top done for your sales agency.


Connect with Matt and James:

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