Coffee Is For Closers Ep17​

In this week’s podcast episode, Matt and James chat about what made them decide to make changes with their podcast set-up and more.

Coffee Is For Closers Ep1​

Episode 1 of the podcast about all things Sales, High ticket closing and what happens in the world of running a sales agency that does over 1 million a month in sales

Ok, It’s Time to Take This Seriously!

Any good salesperson knows that you can’t expect to get excellent results unless you rank up your sales game.
Any good salesperson knows that you can’t expect to get excellent results unless you rank up your sales game. With that in mind, Matt and James decided to take their podcasting game to new heights, bringing their sales tactics to a whole new level. It’s time to get down to business.

In this week’s podcast episode, Matt and James chat about what made them decide to make changes with their podcast set-up, why you shouldn’t rely on your marketing team to get your leads for you, and why you need to focus on client retention over getting new ones.

Put that coffee down and let’s get serious by listening to this show now!

What We Talked About In This Episode:

  1. Matt’s homecoming story [00:48]
  2. Why he made the changes that he did [03:02]
  3. Getting marketing agencies on board [05:28]
  4. Don’t get a marketing agency if you don’t know how to get leads [06:16]
  5. You can’t get a closer unless you can provide some consistency and data [07:57]
  6. Systemisation within Sales for Sniper [10:26]
  7. An ideal referral process [12:01]
  8. The strategy is to have a full pipeline [14:11]
  9. The benefit of having systems in your sales process [16:47]
  10. A good process takes a while to learn [18:41]
  11. The effect of incentivising cash collected [21:50]
  12. To get a good commission, you have to get a good retention rate [23:09]
  13. Ways to make deals with clients [25:27]
  14. Making sales is a process [29:05]

About Our Hosts:

Matt and James are salesmen from Sales Sniper, a sales agency dedicated to helping companies increase close rates, build sales systems, and conduct sales training. They have generate millions in sales for their clients every month and easily gets the top done for your sales agency.


Connect with Matt and James:

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