Coffee Is For Closers Ep100

Coffee is for Closers has finally hit 100 episodes! To celebrate, here’s us retelling our journey in this industry.

Matt and James Celebrate 100 Episodes of Coffee is for Closers!

Coffee is for Closers has finally hit 100 episodes! To celebrate, here’s us retelling our journey in this industry.

We finally did it! Coffee is for Closers has finally hit 100 episodes and we have never been more excited!

From crappy Zoom recordings shot using low-quality cams to 4k, high-quality microphones, cameras, and now, even a legit studio—we have definitely gone far and it’s all thanks to you, our avid subscribers.

So to celebrate our 100th episode, here’s us retelling our journey and highs and lows.

Thank you for helping Coffee is for Closers (and Sales Sniper) become what it is today: a treasure chest of sales tips, advice, valuable sales lessons, and rants. Everything that we’ve put together so salesmen like you all over the world can take their first steps towards a 6 or 7-figure income all while having a little bit of a laugh on the other side of the screen.

Cheers to 100 episodes! ☕

Let’s go race towards 100 more!

Episode Highlights:

  1. Hey, guys! What’s up? [00:00]
  2. Setting up our studio [02:31]
  3. What is Sales Sniper and how did it start? [04:04]
  4. Transitioning from Fitness Sales Sniper to Sales Sniper [08:06]
  5. Acing the sales mentorship and meeting Eli Wilde [13:32]
  6. Excellent and terrible “business coaching” [15:53]
  7. Getting more sales from referrals [20:18]
  8. Why you need to invest in quality content [22:03]
  9. Our best experiences us as our business grew [25:51]
  10. A little gift for our avid viewers and subscribers [33:01]

About Our Hosts:

Matt and James are from Sales Sniper, a sales consulting agency dedicated to helping companies increase close rates, build sales systems, and conduct sales training. They generate millions in sales for their clients every month and easily get the top done for your sales agency.


Connect with Matt and James:

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