Coffee Is For Closers Ep39

Today, we will ask our top producing sales rep William Odhams what it really takes to become Sales Sniper’s top closer.

Coffee Is For Closers Ep1​

Episode 1 of the podcast about all things Sales, High ticket closing and what happens in the world of running a sales agency that does over 1 million a month in sales

Interview with Top Producing Sales Rep William Odhams

So what does it take to become a top producing sales rep? What are the key things that we can, perhaps, emulate from them?

So what does it take to become a top producing sales rep? What are the key things that we can, perhaps, emulate from them?

Today, we will ask our top producing sales rep William Odhams what it really takes to become Sales Sniper’s top closer, his journey into sales, and how he builds rapport with customers to get them to sign up.

We’ll be covering miles in this episode, so tune in now!

What We Talked About In This Episode:

  1. Will on how he started working with the Sales Sniper [01:21]
  2. His first foray into sales training [04:00]
  3. Comparing different sales approaches by different coaches [08:35]
  4. The shortcomings of these different approaches [16:09]
  5. Will on his experience with the Sales Sniper program [17:47]
  6. Emulating everybody’s tactics and not their personalities [18:52]
  7. Applying bits from Will’s psychology degree in sales calls [25:26]
  8. The nitty gritty of Will’s sales process [29:28]
  9. Focusing on actions and the outcomes produce themselves [32:12]
  10. Will’s advice on warming up sales that have gone cold [35:39]
  11. Taking down notes before making follow ups [43:52]
  12. Matt on how valuable Will is to the team [46:44]
  13. Key takeaways from this episode [47:08]

About Our Guest:

William Odhams is the head of North America Sales Operation of Sales Sniper Consulting, a sales consulting agency dedicated to helping companies increase close rates, build sales systems, and conduct sales training. Like his mentors, James and Matt, he has the passion to help business owners convert more leads with expert care, thoughtfulness, and finesse to not only maximize their revenue, but also build a lasting relationship.


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