Coffee Is For Closers Ep124

Pat and i are going to talk about OODA loops and how it refers to sales and business. We also talk about how sales and persuasion and any PQ in particular has benefited myself and other business owners in day to day life. For those who may have never heard of OODA loop before, it’s Observe, Orient, Decide, Act.- meaning how someone can make an effective decisions in high-stakes situations, in the perspective of sales and business. By introducing OODA loop into your thought process could change any negative situation into a positive reaction.

All about OODA loop

Pat and i are going to talk about OODA loops and how it refers to sales and business. We also talk about how sales and persuasion and any PQ in particular has benefited myself and other business owners in day to day life. For those who may have never heard of OODA loop before, it’s Observe, Orient, Decide, Act.- meaning how someone can make an effective decisions in high-stakes situations, in the perspective of sales and business. By introducing OODA loop into your thought process could change any negative situation into a positive reaction.